Dudes. I'm so psyched. I've made a few friends here at Feline Friends and one of my good pals, Scrappy, has agreed to share his story. It took a little arm twisting. He's way more comfortable under the glare of the stage spotlight than he is tappin' at the keyboard. But I got him to share. And hey, Four Paws Up 'cause it's a pretty good read. I wanna get Scrappy to come by soon for a little Q&A.
If you could ask Scrappy anything, what would it be?
So a duck, squirrel and field mouse walk into a pet groomers. No wait. That’s no good. I’m guessin’ cats are the only audience who like jokes that start with rodents. Gotta push towards the mainstream Scrappy. Stay in the game.
Hey! Ho! You’re here. I didn’t see you sneak in. See I’ve been deep into workin’ my stand up routine and I may have lost track of time. But you have my full and undivided attention now. Or should I say it like this? I have yours. Yeah. That’s right. I’m the guy with the story.
First off, everyone wants to know why a cat does stand up. And I bet you’re all no different. Well let me tell ya, there are a plethora of reasons. A cat livin’ on the streets, stalkin’ dark alleys and poorly lit barroom doors has gotta make a livin’ somehow. And just like any other species, bein’ funny can save you a beatin’ a time or two. Believe me, this is no joke. There are cats livin’ out there. And maybe a cat loves a jungle but not to that degree of heat. However. I digress. That’s not my story to tell.
I came to humor as a way to express my gratitude to the human’s who saved my furry butt. See I have a bit of a tragedy to share. But in no way does it compare to what others have been through. And for one very good reason. My angels arrived in the form of Feline Friends. And because of them, this Scrappy guy never spent not one night on the pavement. But when I arrived at Feline Friends I felt there might have been some gloom in the air. Word gets around on the floor and I heard there had been a string of cat’s passin’ on in recent days and it had the humans on the down side. Sad but still cool. It shows they really care.
So there I am and I figure it would be funny to pretend to fall off a bookcase. No harm done to this handsome mug but I did notice it considerably lightened the mood in the room. Soon I was lookin’ for other ways to crack ‘em up and voila. Next thing you know a comedienne is born. Long live the pratfall. Ah nuts. I’ve digressed again.
So I had a happy kitten-hood like most. Sure there were tons of brothers and sisters fightin’ for space and food. But those were just good learnin’ lessons for the true story life in front of any cat. It was later on that things got scary.
I started havin’ trouble breathin’ sometimes. My humans took me to the docs and I can’t prove it but I swear I heard them say I might need some kinda long term medications to keep me goin’. Now I swear I was not lookin’ for any kind of special extra attention. But truth be told, things happen.
Only the humans played it off different and claimed they were the ones who couldn’t breath when I was around. All of a sudden I’m hearin’ scary words like “options” and “live on a farm.”
That’s when Feline Friends came into the picture. Now I don’t know how or why or anythin’ else. I just know they did. And because of that I moved into a pretty swank pad, with plenty of food options, cool guys to hang with and pretty straight shootin’ humans. Who, by the way, have never brought up the word “option” again.
But here’s the thing. There are still some of my metaphorical brothers and sisters out there still curlin’ up behind dumpsters just to find a little warmth, protection or possible food droppin’s. So thank you for all you do to support Feline Friends. Because without you cats die. And that’s no joke.
Okay. So I feel the mood may be shiftin’ back to sad. This is where I come back in with humor.
A sick, abandoned cat walks into Feline Friends Cat Sanctuary. And a whole new life begins.
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